Well, I couldn't have said this more clearly.
is human nature to want to exchange ideas, and I believe that, at
bottom, every artist wants no more than to tell the world what he has to
say. I have sometimes heard painters say that they paint "for
themselves": but I think they would soon have painted their fill if they
lived on a desert island. The primary purpose
of all art forms, whether it’s music, literature, or the visual arts,
is to say something to the outside world; in other words, to make a
personal thought, a striking idea, an inner emotion perceptible to other
people’s senses in such a way that there is no uncertainty about the
maker's intentions" - M. C. Escher
I believe that we (humans) yearn to
connect on a 'soul-ful' level, to reconnect and re-establish our
relationships on this Earth. Traveling along on the continuum, we share
threads of common experiences that make us feel less alone.
(M. C. Escher at 15
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