So... I am exploring other means to achieve personalization and meaning. This horsehair pendant with the added touch of hand engraving might work well. Each piece would be unique and require more in-depth communication during development.
Also, I am interested in trying other shapes and forms for this. The disk lends itself beautifully to this piece because of the bezel and top crystal, but the surrounding shape could be more inventive, I'm sure! Front designs could be unique and significant, and the back could also include designs with the lettering.
YES! I am still making chains. I think I am up to 6 unique hand made chains... I have 4 more designs to make! I have worked around the same basic idea for the first 6, so my last 4 will definitely be a different approach. When finished with this goal, I will line them up and publish a picture. So far, the "Twigs Deco" is my favorite. I will make a neck chain (not one of my 4 new ones) that will have shorter 'twigs' and perhaps attach a Peace Square in the middle. (This one is for me. I should actually wear more of my jewelry!!!) Making chains is like therapy for me and I am anxious to design my last 4... (maybe more)... we shall see.
If you have ideas about Commemorative Jewelry, I would love to hear them!